Monday, 17 October 2011

Confidence Boost..Yay.

Good eveningggg!!

Here i am, in week 23 of my Slimavite challenge.

Yes 23 weeks ive been at this..Its gone so damn quick! I never thought in a million years that i would have lasted for this long as ive never had the will power to go longer than a month before.. But yes, ive done it!!! HURRAAAAAHHHH!!!!

My total weight loss to date is 2st 6lbs yayyyy!!! Ok so its only 1lb less than what i weighed last week but i blame the fact i went a bit crazy at the weekend..I had a chip butty and a saveloy and quite a few alcoholic beverages. But WHO CARES? I deserved those treats for doing so well and at the end of the day, a loss is a loss..It might not be much but its something and of course i am going to have good weeks and bad weeks..A bad week is where i lose nothing at all and its very rare that i have one of those.
I prefer to call the ones where i only lose 1lb 'disappointing weeks' .

Lately, i have been going through old pictures on facebook and have noticed so many where i just look disgusting..Pics that i once thought were nice.
Then i have seen the recent pics.. There is such a difference and you can really tell that i have lost weight (especially in the face) .. So, i went on a massive deleting spree because i dont want to be reminded of the woman i once was..I want to remind myself of who i am now.
Im this girl.

I'm not normally big headed but i can see how bloody amazing i am starting to look.
I even believe others maybe thinking the same thing. See, when i used to hit nightclubs, blokes wouldnt look twice at me and i was just the 'fat friend' next to my 'hot friend'. Now this doesnt seem to be the case. A guy i bumped into that i know,the other night called me absolutely beautiful, and you know what? I felt it.I actually did, even if it was for just 5 minutes.
Also, lately, a guy i met on facebook from my town has been telling me how 'lush' and 'cute' i am.
OK, so its not going anywhere with these guys as they are just friends but it feels so good not to be called a 'fat cow' or 'minging' 
Not saying that i'm everyones cup of tea but i must be someones eh!!
I just feel great again..Im getting the confidence that ive never had. I tell you, its absolutely AMAZING!!!! What a difference a couple of months on the Slimavite challenge makes!

Anyway last bit of exciting news..
I have heard of a product called 'HOTPANTS' that apparently help you to potentially drop 2 jean sizes in 2 weeks. As i'm having trouble with the dress size side of things i got in touch with the company to see if they would send me a pair to review on this blog. They kindly took a look at my blog and have said they will send me some. So, crossed fingers they come soon so i begin another new challenge.
Anything that will aid my weight loss, i am willing to try and if blogging about it helps myself and others then thats what im going to do.
I'm mega excited to be trying them out and writing about them. I am just hoping they live up to the hype :)

Anyway, Off to do some wii fit before it gets too late and i lose motivation for the evening.

Ciao for now!



  1. I've got some of those hot pants! Wore them today for the first time and I sweated like mad,I really hope they work :)

    Well done on your weight loss and good luck for the rest xx

  2. Thank you very much... Ive still a way to go but ill get there.
    Ahh you have some? Brilliant! Hope you get the result you want from them!xx

  3. Just sticking you in my bookmarks for tomorrow but to lose 2st something is amazing. Well done you!:)) Looking forward to finding out how you did it. So many people fail to lose weight that it must be one of the hardest things in the world. No matter how simple all the books and facts appear to make it. Well done again on what you've lost so far!

  4. Thank you so very much :) Ive still a way to go but when i get there, ill look back on this journey and realise just how far ive come!xx
